Bursting Bubbles
I sort of assume everyone loves goats as much as myself. I have been around animals my entire life so sometimes I take for granted my comfort in their presence. Recently I have had to witness sweet little humans who truly didn’t trust the goats. They needed time to learn about and warm up to my beloved creatures. When I see wee ones getting scared by the goats my bubble bursts. But like everything in life I use it as a learning opportunity. It occurred to me that we need a variety of programs, based on comfort levels. I am happy to announce we will be hosting a “Bubble Walk”. I am designing it with the wee ones in mind but really it will be appropriate for anyone who is not entirely comfortable with a goat up in their face and a pig swirling around their feet. I appreciate each and every guest we have visit us, as I have noted before we are growing this program together. Each week we learn something new and do our best to improve upon the experience. Creating a “Bubble Walk” has been a real joy and I know you’re going to have fun too…bubbles, goats, a forest…see you soon!