Hoping For A Burro

I am a huge fan of hope. I don’t care if it is rhetoric or reality. Without hope I may still be living above a garage with no heat, no air conditioning and no windows. Hope has been a driving force in my life as far back as my memory serves. Some people say hoping is just wishing and coping and maybe they are right, but for me hope leads to dreams and that turns into goals and those turn into plans and soon enough I am on my way to the next adventure. Recently I was hoping for a guardian animal for my goats. I did loads of research and realized that burros, a.k.a. donkeys, are actually one of the best guards for livestock. One random day I was feeling especially hopeful as I searched the state BLM (Bureau of Land Management) website looking to find a mine claim! But as I was digging around, pun intended, into how to acquire a mine claim I stumbled upon the BLM’s Wild Horse & Burro Adoption Program. After reading through everything I could find I felt new energy, hope was in fact alive. So I set my focus on a burro. Adopting and gentling a wild burro. My goats would get the best guard animal and I would get a enormous amount of joy in the process of gentling a wild burro. I am pleased to tell you that my hopeful heart is overflowing because today was the day! My burro adoption is now complete and soon I will go pick up a two year old gelding. No matter where you stand on the topic of hope I certainly wish for you great adventures and learning that launches you in the direction of your dreams. Sometimes hope is all we have but sometimes hope is all it takes.


Born and raised in Northern California Johnita has built many businesses from hobbies, known locally as the lady who walks her goats, she is also a homeschooling mother of two amazing humans.

Follow Johnita at: www.facebook.com/johnita.wemken


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