It Gets Easier…Just Kidding
A while back I posted about “putting all my eggs in one basket”. I usually have more personal projects and business plans going than hours available in the day. In my quest for a simpler life (notice I did not say easier life, lol) I have actively reduced my outside commitments to focus myself on one thing… my kids, both human and goat. It was hard at first to say no to people and opportunities that come my way. Learning the art of saying no is getting easier. After three solid decades of spreading my time and energy too thin I am proud to report that life is in fact easier with all my eggs in one basket. Now I spend the majority of my time focused on my children, my goats, and my ranch. Kidding season has rapidly brought into focus what matters most and where my attention is most valuable. I continue to think, journal and reflect upon the future while also trying to be very present in the now. With the birth of a new generation of does and bucks I am excited to grow our herd as we work toward one day becoming a certified dairy. Setting boundaries, saying no to things that no longer serve me, and moving toward this larger goal is for me a real accomplishment. Focusing on just kidding the goats has certainly made my life easier. I hope you too learn to say no and protect your time for what matters most, like beloved family, true friends and making memories with us on a Goat Walk or at a visit to Not By Luck Ranch. Hope to see you soon!