New Year Same Goal
I love the new year. I have so many traditions around this time of year. I write a letter to myself, tuck it away, forget about it, and then find it in my Christmas box the following year. Reading your words from a year ago and hearing that voice is a wonderful tool in personal development. I highly recommend this practice. I also make vision boards, yep, no shame here. I hoard magazines all year and love every second of creating my new board. I journal most days but double up the reflection on these rainy days. I appreciate the new year so much because the hurried holiday season is behind me and the rain season is upon me and it forces a slow down. I find myself with time to read, write, journal and think and these really are my favorite things. I love goal setting almost as much as I love goats. I try and use this time of year to recharge and plan for the months ahead. I have learned by living to enjoy the slow season and use it to my advantage to survive the busy times. I won’t complain about all this rain and all this inside time as it really does help me get the goals for the coming year in order. This year most of my goals remain the same, share our goats with you in a fashion you won’t soon forget. The holiday bonfire season was truly magical and my heart and soul felt the joy of the season. I am busy now posting dates for Spring goat walks and bunny snuggles, cleaning up trees, feeding and tending to animals in the rain and mud; but I know soon enough the sun will shine and we will see you again. Happy New year to you all! I can’t wait to share a goat adventure with you soon!