What’s The Point
Sometimes I meet people and when I tell them that I walk and share my goats for a living they say, “Why…what’s the point?”
I think about this often and there really is no singular answer. You have to experience the animals to understand the point, which I suppose is the point.
This weekend was on point that is certain. Thank you for showing up and loving the animals. It was glorious weather, the goats were in a great mood, and you all had such awesome questions and passionate interest it made my heart full. I know Blaize and Denali love every opportunity to share with you too so we are continually grateful for every ticket purchased and every visit that happens. Your support allows us to put the time and care into these animals.
So much of life is hard to label and I don’t feel the need to justify my passion for goats or love of animals in general. I just invite you to come visit us and then you can see the point up close and personally. Animals are joyful and I love them. If I must define “the point” I am going with a life filled with love and joy. And of course a healthy dose of gratitude on top.
Thank you for supporting our passion and we can’t wait to see you again!
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