Making Old New Again

The time change is but a few weeks away. Spring is definitely in the air. Despite what the calendar says the arrival of baby animals marks the start of my new year. There is something eternally hopeful about the transition from Winter to Spring. The subtle shifts that happen all around alert every sense that change is underfoot. The goats start to shed their cashmere, the donkeys start to lose their winter wool and the morning feeding requires one less layer of clothing. The short dark days of winter are definitely a necessary time to rest. The cold drives us inside, slows us down and invites a period of reflection. This winter I embraced listening to myself, sitting with my thoughts, making peace with my choices both old and new.

Life seems to be the sum of choices tied to some external force like chance. I have never been one to rely on chance, I prefer to harness the power of choice. A season of reflecting on what comes next brought into focus one of my core truths. What I know for sure is that making new what is old really is what I do best and what I love most. Repurposing anything and everything. There is so much purpose, joy and success to be found in making what is old new again. Here are some mantras I choose to use as tools in creating “luck” along this broken road called life:

-Start where you are.

-Use what you have.

-Every minute counts.

-Do not reinvent the wheel.

-The library has answers.

-Rest is a magical reset.

-Learn. Try. Fail. Grow. Repeat.


Born and raised in Northern California Johnita has built many businesses from hobbies, known locally as the lady who walks her goats, she is also a homeschooling mother of two amazing humans.

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Finding Sanctuary