The Best Help Money Can’t Buy

One of the main questions I am asked has nothing to do with goats at all. Many people want to know about the name “Not By Luck”.

There are too many stories behind the name for one blog post, but one thing that I can say with certainty is people matter. I have learned that the people you allow into your life can make all the difference, for better or worse. It took some time, and some hard lessons, to realize everyone does not have your best interest at heart. I make conscious choices about how I use my time and attention. I discern who is for me and who is not. I let go of that which is not for me and focus on what is…no matter how few or far between. I watch the company I keep for it will ultimately keep me, I invest into people who invest in me, and I know that family is not always about blood lines.

There are some people around Not By Luck Ranch who are not there by luck at all. They are part of the adventure because they want to be, and my kids and I want them to be as well…we all choose to be there for one another. These people do not get paid, they just offer help, each in their own way.

People can give to us in so many ways. Kind words. Thoughtful actions. Donations of time and materials. Acceptance. Grace and forgiveness. Love and friendship. All of these factors help a dreamer like me make things happen.

A few trusted, loyal, supportive relationships are a key ingredient in creating some luck.

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Born and raised in Northern California Johnita has built many businesses from hobbies, known locally as the lady who walks her goats, she is also a homeschooling mother of two amazing humans.

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No Money Tree Here


Leaps Of Faith